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Project REACh promotes financial inclusion through greater access to credit and capital. REACh stands for Roundtable for Economic Access and Change, and the project brings together leaders from the banking industry, national community organizations, business, and technology to reduce specific barriers that prevent full, equal, and fair participation in the nation’s economy.
The OCC established Project REACh in July 2020 to bring together stakeholders with the ability to help reduce inherent and structural obstacles so underserved populations have the same opportunities as others to succeed and benefit from the nation’s financial system. To learn more about the founding of Project REACh and its original work streams, visit Project REACh: Removing Barriers to Financial Inclusion.
The Project REACh Financial Inclusion Summit provides opportunities to reflect on the groundbreaking solutions led by Project REACh participants and discusses new initiatives to increase economic mobility within financially underserved and under-resourced communities. Attendees include representatives from government agencies, financial institutions, community organizations, technology providers, consumer groups, and community developers and advocates. A video of the event is available. You may also view the agenda and a list of speakers for the summit.
Project REACh is comprised of Working Groups, each of which serves as an incubator and accelerator for innovative projects. Members of the working groups offer particular perspectives and expertise on the related topic. Working groups are led by co-chairs representing industry and community stakeholders.
MDIs are essential to the well-being of disadvantaged and underserved communities across America as they provide access to credit and other financial services to those who otherwise might not have sufficient access. The Project REACh Pledge to Strengthen Minority Depository Institutions promotes the viability and preservation of MDIs so they remain a vibrant part of the economic landscape.