An official website of the United States government
Use this search tool to find CRA performance evaluations for a specific bank or for all the banks in a state. You can also further narrow your search to focus on a specific performance rating.
This database contains records from April 1996 onward in PDF format. Download the free Adobe Reader to view these files.
To access records dated earlier than 1996 or if you cannot locate what you are looking for here, submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
You can also search CRA performance evaluations organized by month and year if you know the publication month of the evaluation.
If you encounter any issues in using the CRA Performance Evaluations Search, please send email to CRA Search Support.
Enter details to help find Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) performance evaluations. Example #1: Enter Bank Charter Number. Example #2: Enter Bank Name. Example #3: Enter City.
The evaluation date is the date of the CRA evaluation.
Public release date is when the CRA evaluation was made publicly available. Use "Evaluation Date" to access evaluations conducted or released before April 2020.
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Public release dates before April 2020 are not available through "Public Release Date" search. Select "Evaluation Date" to access evaluations conducted or released before April 2020.