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Enforcement Actions

The OCC may take enforcement actions for violations of laws, rules or regulations, final orders or conditions imposed in writing; unsafe or unsound practices; and for breach of fiduciary duty by institution-affiliated parties (IAPs).

We are authorized to take enforcement actions against:

  • National banks
  • Federally chartered savings associations and their subsidiaries
  • Federal branches and agencies of foreign banks
  • IAPs, including officers, directors, employees, controlling stockholders, agents, and certain other individuals

The Enforcement group serves as the OCC's counsel for formal investigations and enforcement actions.

In This Section

Note: Enforcement actions taken against federally chartered savings associations (thrifts) prior to July 21, 2011, are only available in the OTS Enforcement Order Archive (XLS). For information about the data fields used in this spreadsheet, refer to the Enforcement Order Listing Definitions (PDF).

To obtain a copy of an enforcement action that is not available online, you may submit a request electronically through OCC's FOIA website.

Financial Institutions not Regulated by the OCC

Visit these Websites to learn about enforcement actions against financial institutions supervised by other government agencies:

Enforcement Issuances

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