Angelina Christie
Senior Financial Economist
Retail Credit Risk Analysis Division
Angelina N. Christie is a Financial Economist of the Retail Credit Risk Analysis Division within Supervision Risk & Analysis at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Dr. Christie provides quantitative modeling support to national bank examiners in models used in retail portfolios including Model Risk Management (MRM) and Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL). She also conducts internal analysis in credit card and fintech lending.
Prior to joining the OCC in 2015, Dr. Christie was an Assistant Professor of Economics at Catholic University of America. Previously she had taught at George Mason University, Marymount, and James Madison University. Dr. Christie earned her Ph.D. from George Mason University where she pursued experimental economics at the Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science.
Dr. Christie employs quantitative methods, both standard econometric as well as experimental and machine learning, to study financial individual and market behavior. Her research interests include behavioral and institutional causes of consumer indebtedness and default, bank and fintech lending, and risk modeling methods.
- Christie, Angelina and D. Houser (2019). “Financing and Signaling Decisions under Asymmetric Information: an Experimental Study,” Review of Behavioral Finance, 11( 2), 102-127.
- Christie, Angelina (2019). “On Religion, Lying, and Social Preferences,” Economics Letters, 174, 161-164.
- Christie, Angelina, D. Houser, and J. Chen (2016) “Ethics and Advances in Economic Science: the Role of Two Norms,” in Handbook on Economic Professional Ethics, ed. George DeMartino and D. McClosky, Oxford University Press.
- Christie, Angelina (2013). “Asymmetric Information and Bank Lending: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions (A Survey of Laboratory Research),” Research in Experimental Economics, 16, 5-30.
- Christie, Angelina (2013) “From Experimental Economics toward Integral Human Rationality.” Journal of Markets and Morality, 16 (1), 37-51.