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Minority Outreach

Minority Outreach

Minority outreach is an integral part of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC's) mission. The External Outreach and Minority Affairs (EOMA) division:

  • educates minority organizations and communities about the mission of the OCC,
  • establishes and maintains relationships with minority communities to proactively address matters of fair access to financial services,
  • supports minority owned national banks,
  • informs the agency's leadership about matters affecting minority institutions, and
  • contracts a highly talented and diverse pool of interns through national internship organizations to fulfill OCC managers' intermittent employment needs.

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Project REACh

Project REACh promotes financial inclusion through greater access to credit and capital.

REACh stands for Roundtable for Economic Access and Change, and the project brings together leaders from the banking industry, national community organizations, business, and technology to reduce specific barriers that prevent full, equal, and fair participation in the nation's economy.

Read more about Project REACh

Minority and Woman-Owned Depository Institutions

EOMA engages in outreach activities to promote and preserve minority and women-owned banks and federal savings associations.

EOMA provides technical assistance and training opportunities for Minority Depository Institutions (MDIs) to learn about federal resources and workshops offered that enhance the capabilities of these institutions to meet the needs of consumers from minority communities and ensure a safe and sound banking system.

Number of Minority and Woman-Owned Depository Institutions

Minority and Woman-Owned Depository Institutions by Region

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Related News and Issuances

09/04/2024 NR 2024-97 OCC Hosts Minority Depository Institutions Advisory Committee Meeting September 24
07/09/2024 NR 2024-73 OCC Renews Minority Depository Institutions Advisory Committee, Seeks Nominations
05/29/2024 NR 2024-55 OCC Launches Project REACh 2.0